Who Loves the sun?

We all do! It is natural  for us to be drawn to the sun because it is both beneficial our physical and psychological well being.  There are  times that we under estimate the suns powerful rays and then we pay the price with chills, sore red skin and some times even becoming very ill.

Here is a potent and cooling face and body oil to heal your burnt skin in no time. 

Sun soother


50 Ml Jojoba oil

8 Drops of German Blue Chamomile Essential Oil

15 Drops Peppermint Essential oil

Jojoba oil is a fabulous oil for treating sun burns and the one that I most highly recommend. Jojoba plant is a dessert plant and works well for sun bathing too. It is also a great idea to mix Jojoba with Aloe Vera.

German Blue Chamomile Essential Oil  Highly Anti Inflammatory and CONCENTRATED

Peppermint Essential Oil Also Anti Inflammatory and an amazing invisible ice pack that will have you cooled in no  time. In my experience Peppermint oil actually works faster and more effectively in cooling the skin than an ice pack because it penetrates the skin layers much deeper.

My Favourite Essential Oils: http://www.livinglibations.com/essential-oils/essential-oils

Video Tutorial

Wishing you all a safe and blissful sunny summer!
