Grow Your Lashes Fast Through Your Diet And Natural Conditioning Remedies!

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The Truth On Mascara

Did you know that most of the mascaras on the market contain ingredients that can actually do harm to your lashes?

After a while you may start to notice your lashes become brittle and dry and before you know it….they fall out! This is a good way for manufactures to get consumers to come back for more of their magic eyelash goop! 

 I will teach your how to get real results with YOUR lashes without having to pay for false promises that come in a plastic tube of black goop!

First And Foremost you need to have a healthy diet!

 Key Nutrients For Healthier & Longer Lashes! 

VITAMIN H: Vitamin H is actually a B vitamin and B vitamins are known for having good effects on the hair and lashes. B vitamins help the body metabolize fats and proteins and in result you get faster hair growth! You can buy Supplements at health food stores. Some ways to get this nutrient through your food is by eating things like eggs, beans, and nuts and seeds!

Antioxidants: Antioxidant rich foods like blueberries and believe it or not chocolate are fantastic at protecting your lashes and keeping them strong so eat foods rich in color! 

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Omega 3 Fatty acids: I cant stress how important it is to have healthy fats in your diet! Healthy fats come from things like fish, avocados, nuts and seeds. These fats are good to maintain your vibrant beauty and overall general health. Omega 3’s help your body absorb nutrients and vitamins to your blood stream.

Only when you are truly healthy from the inside it will exude on the outside.

 How To Condition Your Lashes As Part Of Your Daily Beauty Regime

condition eye lashes with olive oil, thicker and longer eyelashes naturally, natural eye lash treatment, eyelash conditioner, olive oil for eyelashes, healthy diet and eyelashes, B vitamins for hair and eyelashes,  antioxidants, organic, daniellebeautybliss, beauty guru, organic beauty guru,

Olive oil is my favorite natural treatment for lashes. Apply a drop to your finger and apply the oil to your lashes every night before bed.

~Another great oil is vitamin E oil

~A clever choice is Pomegranate oil as it is rich in antioxidants which will stimulate growth

Mascara Your Friend Or Your Enemy?

As I said at the start of this post most mascaras are causing harm to your lashes due to harmful preservatives and chemicals. Why would you want to settle for only temporary results anyways?

I highly suggest reducing the amount of mascara you apply and also reduce how often you apply it. Give your lashes a chance to recover once in a while at the very least.

The Bright Side 

There are healthy alternatives to mascaras one of my favorites is by 100% pure and I have the color blackberry. I have a full review on this mascara on my blog as well. Be sure to check that out!

 Mascaras rich in plant extracts, natural pigments, and  un-harmful  preservatives are a wiser choice. Natural Mascaras are often equally effective as the generic ones though they are harder to find.

I hope you found these tips helpful!

Much Love
